Quit porn with science.

Simple, science-based rewiring helping thousands achieve lasting freedom from porn addiction.

Age 22. Test result 84%.

Age 26. Test result 89%.

Age 21. Test result 77%

Age 20. Test result 76%

Become your best self with the top porn addiction recovery app worldwide.
Sensortower data, 2023, top-grossing
Over 10,000 5-star reviews

Freedom from shame and guilt

Get your energy and motivation back

Build better relationships

Recover your natural libido and improve your sex life

Which recovery method is right for you?
The secret is science, not willpower.

Remove temptation
The Brainbuddy filter is the most advanced porn blocker available, removing temptation while you reverse your dopamine dependency.

Rewire your brain
With a heavy focus on CBT, the right exercise at the right time helps reverse unhelpful habits while building healthy new dopamine pathways.

Track your progress
The power of positive progress. Brainbuddy offers granular statistics from day 1, so you can intimately track your journey.

All the tools you need to stay on track.

Craving control

Daily recovery journal

The most supportive community

Personal and team challenges

Age 30. Test result 91%

Age 18. Test result 70%

Age 20. Test result 76%

Age 25. Test result 79%